“Great art picks up where nature ends.” – Marc Chagall
A Little Behind the Scenes:
Made from a bunch of awesome photoscans by: Ian Hubert, Artfletch, and Megascans
Now here’s a cool little bonus blender trick you all may not know
So, in my wide format render, you can see that the sea has a bit of curvature; that’s not done in the post; it is done within Blender.
All you need to do is set the camera type to “Panoramic” and the Panorama Type to “Fisheye Equisolid” and then bring in the Lens value till the panoramic bounds are out of the camera’s border
now; what’s so cool with these settings? Like I said before, it’s not done post. Now you can give an image a lens curvature within Photoshop, but the benefit of doing it within Blender is that you can frame the render, meaning you eliminate the step of zooming out a couple of steps and then do it in post. You give yourself a sense of a quicker creative workflow.